Search for missing Wuxi China Expats from Toronto, Canada continues despite protests, no budget, and lack of searchers

The IEF’s Ziggy Zimmerman looked in Xihui Park and didn’t find the missing Wuxi China Expats from Toronto, Canada. Asked if he had checked the tunnel and Hui Shan at the Park, Ziggy said "oops!" International Expeditionary Force Commander Karl Malden said that there wasn’t money in the budget to return.

Wuxi China Expatdom’s Harry Moore Memorial Square had to be booked for three protests relating to the Search for the missing Expats.

The first group of protesters wanted refunds for their Dwight Eisenhower Bobble Head Doll purchases. Eisenhower was disgraced and deposed for incompetence and because of revelations he was once the chief of the Ayatollah of Mordor’s Secret Police during the dark times. Fred Minkleman, owner of Gambay’s Pub in the 1912 Bar District, offered to give 50 percent credit towards purchases of Karl Malden Bobble Head Dolls. But, protesters responded with demands for credit towards Mango Bobble Head Dolls as well.

The second group of protesters demanded the search be stopped, saying the search had become "a blight on the human spirit," and that the "missing Expats were from Toronto anyway." This group said they were from Australia, making the demands for a cessation of the search International.

The final group had planned to protest Commander Karl Malden purgings of "loafers, idlers, ne’er-do-wells, mountebanks, layabouts, and pool-players" from the IEF. The one protester, who could be roused, said "the purge was inhumane and a violation of their human rights." However, the group didn’t show up.

Karl Malden, in an interview about the third protest, said he now regretted the purge because "the IEF has shrunk to a force of six people." Previously, there had been 100,000 members in the search task force." admitted Malden.

About wuxiandis

An English Teacher in Wuxi, China. Married to a local girl. Father of a boy born August 23, 2007.
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